Reports\Saving and Re-running an Activity Report

Saving and Re-running an Activity Report

The Saving and Re-running and Activity Report function allows you to generate a customized activity report. This function lets you choose the criteria that will comprise the columns in your report. The Device scrolldown list allows you to view activity reports according to doors or devices. The Sites scrolldown list allows you to view activity reports according to a site rather than particular doors. The Groups section allows you to view activity reports for all members of a group or groups. The Users section allows you to view a particular user’s activity. This function allows you to view all activity at any point during the past 365 days.

Only the Master Administrator and all Senior Administrators can create Activity Reports.




Activity Reports are currently limited to reporting 65,000 events. In order to accommodate events that exceed this amount, you must divide the report into sections in order to ensure that all events have been reported.


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