Administrators\Browsing the Administrators DirectoryBrowsing the Administrators Directory\To view the list of Administrators for your account:

1.       From the Setup tab, choose the Account tab then click on the Administrators tab. The Administrator directory displays.

                                                                                                                            Figure 92.      View Administrators Directory

Your Administrator permissions determine which Administrators are listed on this page.

The Master Administrator and Super Administrators will see a complete list of all Administrators for the account.

Senior and Assistant Administrators will see only the Master Administrator and their own names listed.

Your Administrator permissions also determine what actions you can perform on this page.

The Master Administrator and Super Administrators can view Administrator details, as well as create, edit and delete Super, Senior and Assistant Administrators.

Senior and Assistant Administrators have View access only to the information displayed.



No Administrator can delete him- or herself.


For all viewable Administrators, you will see the following information:

The Administrator’s Name in the format  Last, First

An Admin ID number, unique to the Administrator

The Administrator’s Phone number

An Email address


The final column in the Administrators list page details the time and date stamp of when each administrator has logged in.

Master Administrators can view all Administrator last logins.

Super Administrators can see all Administrator last logins except the Master Administrator.

Senior Administrators cannot see any last logins.

Assistant Administrator cannot see any last logins.


If you have Master or Super Administrator permissions, you will also see a trashcan icon in the Delete field for each person listed.

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