Control Panels\Managing Control BoardsManaging Control Boards\To configure a Door Board:

To configure a Door Board:

If you are not already on the Door Control Board detail page:

From the Setup dropdown menu, choose the Sites/Doors tab then click on the Control Panels tab. The Control Panel List displays.

Click the control panel for which you wish to configure a Door Board. The Control Panel detail page displays.

Click the Door Board you wish to configure. The Door Control Board detail page displays.

                                                                                                                        Figure 150.      Configure a Door Control Board

The Board Type and Board # fields cannot be edited on this page, but the Location field can be.

All Door Boards contain two nodes, each of which can be used to control either one door or one door and multiple devices. On this page, these two nodes are identified as DOOR 1 and DOOR 2, and for each there is a set of input and output points that corresponds to a block of terminals on the actual Door Board. All of the labels match the text silk-screened on the board.



A Door Board node does not have to be used to control a door; it can be used to control any number of devices. However, the following terminal blocks cannot be used by any other device if the node is to be used for a door: REX, DOOR CONTACT, and READER.


In the Label field, accept the default label for the I/O point displays, or accept the default Label or enter a new short, descriptive value for the device, such as “Loading Dock Door Lock.”

For each input point, there is a set of fields used to define the operation of the associated terminals:

In the EOL Supervision field, click Yes or No to indicate if the input point is wired for end-of-line supervision. EOL supervision is not relevant for output points (DOOR LOCK RELAY, AUX RELAY 1, and AUX RELAY 2) or for the READER point.

In the Normal State field, select Normally Closed to indicate that the I/O Point is normally closed, or Normally Open to indicate that it is normally open. As with EOL Supervision, this field is not relevant for output points.

For each output point, there is a set of fields used to define the operation of the associated terminals.

·         In the Normal State field, select Normal from the dropdown list to indicate that the output point operates in a fail secure mode. Select Energized to indicate that the output point operates in a fail open mode.




The following three steps must be completed in order to utilize Fail Open (Energized) functionality in Brivo Onair:

1.       Mode set to Fail Open (Energized)

2.       Correctly wired for Fail Open

3.       Fail Open style door lock must be used

Simply changing mode to Fail Open from a system that had been configured for Fail Secure operations is not sufficient to achieve Fail Open operation.


Click Save Board. You are returned to the Control Panel detail page with the new Door Board listed in alphabetical order with the other control boards.

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