Video\Live FeedLive Feed\To create a camera group

To create a camera group

Click on the Video tab then choose the Live Feed toggle at the top center of the screen. The Live Feed page displays.

Select the number of camera view windows you want to display simultaneously (one, two, four or six).

Select cameras by clicking on the  icon for each camera view window.

Once they are displaying, click the  icon at the top of the Live Feed display page. A popup window will appear asking you to name the Camera Group.

Enter a name for the camera group into the Name field and click OK.

A popup window will appear telling you the camera group was added successfully. Click OK and you are returned to the Live Feed display page.



An account may only view one live video stream per camera at a time. You cannot have more than one live feed window open viewing the same camera feed, even if different administrators are logged in. One live feed window will show the camera and the rest will show a Stream Lost error message.




An account can have any number of camera groups. While a camera group can house any number of cameras, for ease of use, multiple camera groups containing a reasonable number of cameras is probably a better design choice than one camera group will all the cameras on the account.


                                                                                                                                        Figure 10.      Create Camera Group

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