Users and Groups\Creating a UserCreating a User\To create a user:

From the Users tab, click Users. The User List page displays.

Click the New User button. The New User page displays with the Identity tab.

                                                                                                                                    Figure 44.      Create a User – First Tab

Enter the user’s First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name.

Click the Save Identity button. The User Profile page appears with the four tabs: Identity, Groups, Credentials, and Custom Fields.

                                                                                                                                Figure 45.      Create a User – Identity Tab

On the Identity tab, if you want to associate an image with this user, click Upload Photo to upload an already existing image. The select image popup window displays.

On the Identity tab, if you want to associate an email address with the user, enter an email address in the Email field and then select the type of email (Home, Work, Other) from the dropdown menu. You may also type a new email address type directly in the Select Email Type field by clicking on it (for example, Vacation or San Diego Office). Once you have entered the email address and selected the email type, a green banner will appear across the top of the page notifying you that the email(s) have been saved.

On the Identity tab, if you want to associate a phone number with the user, enter a phone number in the Phone field and then select the type of phone (Home, Work, Mobile, Other) from the dropdown menu. You may also type a new phone number type directly in the Select Phone Type field by clicking on it (for example, San Diego Office). Once you have entered the phone number and selected the phone type, a green banner will appear across the top of the page notifying you that the phone number(s) have been saved.

If you wish to take a new photo with a webcam, click on Take Photo.  The Upload Image popup window displays.  When you are ready, click on the Take Photo button.

                                                                                                                                               Figure 46.      Upload a Photo



The Brivo Onair webcam interface uses Adobe Flash. This program must be loaded in order for the webcam to function. Additionally, the first time the webcam is used, right click on the image area (which will be black) and select Settings. Click the Allow button and the Remember checkbox and Close.

                                                                                                                                              Figure 47.      Insert User Image

Follow the instructions to click and drag the mouse on the image over the area you want to select for this photo.  This allows the user to crop the photo to the desired size.

When finished, click Save. You are returned to the New User page with the user image displayed.

Click on the Groups tab to move to the next step in Creating a User.

To assign a user to a group, click on the Choose link next to Add Group and select the desired group(s) from the pop up window. When finished, click on the X in the upper right hand corner of the popup window to close the popup window. To remove a user from a group, click on the (–) symbol next to the group in the list. Users can be assigned to up to 16 groups at a time, and they inherit access privileges from the group(s) to which they belong.

                                                                                                                                Figure 48.      Create a User – Groups Tab


Click on the Credential tab to move to the next step in Creating a User.

                                                                                           Figure 49.      Create a User – Credentials Tab NEEDS TO BE REPLACED

If your doors have keypads, enter a PIN. A PIN can be four- to eight-digits long. Click 4 ... to have the system generate a random four-digit PIN, click 5 ... for a five-digit PIN, etc.

Once you have selected a PIN, click on the Save PIN button and the PIN will be added to the list of Assigned Credentials.

If your doors have card readers and you would like to:

Assign ONE card to a user: enter a card number in the blank field next to Card Reference ID and click Add or click Choose… to view a popup list of all currently unassigned cards. Clicking on the desired card automatically adds the card to the Assigned Credentials list. Once finished adding a card, close the popup list to return to the Credentials tab.

Assign MULTIPLE cards to a user: enter a card number in the blank field next to Card Reference ID and click Add, repeating the process as needed and adding up to 16 cards for that user. You may also click Choose… to view a popup list of all currently unassigned cards. Clicking on the desired card automatically adds the card to the Assigned Credentials list. Once finished adding multiple cards, close the popup list to return to the Credentials tab.

If you wish to use Brivo Mobile Pass functionality, click on the Add button next to the Brivo Mobile Pass. The Add Brivo Mobile Pass popup window will appear. This popup window shows the available number of Passes Available as well as a link for contacting your dealer to request additional Brivo Mobile Passes.

                                                                                                      Figure 50.      Add Brivo Mobile Pass NEEDS TO BE REPLACED

Enter the Email of the Brivo Mobile Pass user in the field and click Send.  A notification message will appear in the Add Brivo Mobile Pass window with the following information.

·         Pass ID – This is the email address of the Brivo Mobile Pass recipient.

·         Pass Code – A unique identifier which expires after 72 hours if not redeemed.

·         Redeem By – This is the reminder date and time that the email token will expire if not redeemed.

·         Click Link to Add Pass – This is a deep link which can be copied into a browser on the user’s phone which will allow them to use the Brivo Mobile Pass.

                                                                                    Figure 51.      Add Brivo Mobile Pass Confirmation NEEDS TO BE REPLACED

Until the user accepts and activates the Brivo Mobile Pass, the Brivo Mobile Pass will list as Pending in the Credentials tab. At any time prior to the activation of the Brivo Mobile Pass, the administrator may click on the Cancel Invite button to rescind the Brivo Mobile Pass invitation.

                                                                                 Figure 52.      Brivo Mobile Pass Pending Acceptance NEEDS TO BE REPLACED

Once the user has activated their Brivo Mobile Pass, the Brivo Mobile Pass will then show as Active and be listed under Assigned Credentials.

                                                                                                    Figure 53.      Active Brivo Mobile Pass NEEDS TO BE REPLACED



For more information on Brivo Mobile Pass, please consult the appendix at the end of this manual and download the app from either the Apple Store or Google Play Store.


The Effective Date defaults to today’s date. Change the date if the user’s access privileges should take effect on a later date. The Effective To field is empty by default. Click on the Effective To field to enter a date if the user’s access privileges should expire on a pre-determined date; otherwise leave the field blank.



It is possible to manually enter a card number in the Card Reference ID field. However, if the card is not listed in the Card Bank, or if there are multiple cards with the number you entered, you must click on Choose to specify which card has the corresponding facility code you would like to add.


                                                                                                                                                      Figure 54.      Select Card



If any of the doors or elevators to which this user will have access uses two-factor credentials, you must enter both a PIN and a Card #.


Click on the Custom Fields tab to move to the final step in Creating a User.

This tab displays custom fields (if any have been defined) for the account. A custom field is a field that can be used for account-specific purposes such as Employee Number or Telephone Extension. These fields are optional and can be renamed to meet the needs of your organization. To rename a custom field, click the Rename Custom Field (See Managing Custom Fields for more information).

                                                                                                                         Figure 55.      Create a User – Custom Field Tab

All information entered into the Identity, Groups, Credentials, and Custom Fields tabs is automatically saved. Once all data is entered, the User profile is updated.

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