Download the Dedicated Micros Time
Synchronization Utility from
Extract the zip file into a directory
on the machine that will host time synchronization tool.
Open DVIPSync.exe in the directory used in Step 2. The DVIP Time Sync
V0.3 application window displays.
Left-click on the toolbar. A popup
text edit window opens, displaying the following text:
; This is the file defining servers to have
the time set by the
; VuSync program. It is in a standard ini file
format with each
; server address as a section enclosed in []
brackets. Parameters
; in each section then define the time of day
each server should
; be updated and how many days to wait between
each update. Lines
; (like these) starting with a ; will be
; Example:
; This is the section header defining the
server and can be a URL
; or an IP address
; [server1.net1.pridomain]
; This line defines the time of day to send
the update - default
; is 12:00
; SyncTime=13:00
; This line defines the number of days to wait
between each update -
; default is 1
; Freq=1
; This is the date and time of the last update
and will normally
; be updated by the program
Lasttime=06/09/02 13:18:33
In the tenth line, replace the
text [server1.net1.pridomain] with the IP address or DNS
name of the DVR and remove the leading ; character.
In the thirteenth line, replace the
text SyncTime=13:00 with the time at which you
want to synchronize the DVR and your Brivo control panel(s), and remove the leading ; character.
In the sixteenth line, replace the
text Freq=1 with the number of days
between each update, and remove the leading
character. It is generally best to leave this value as 1.
In the last line, remove the
leading ; character.
Click Save, then Close the
text edit window.
Right-click on the grid in the DVIP
Time Sync V0.3 window and click Reload
List on the popup men. The DVR IP address or DNS name should appear in the
Close the DVIP Time Sync V0.3
application window.
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Dedicated Micros DVR Installation Notes