Badging\Badge Templates\To view the list of templates currently defined for your account:

To view the list of templates currently defined for your account:

From the Setup tab, choose the Cards tab then click Badging. The badge template list displays.

                                                                                                                                         Figure 108.      View Template List

Information displayed on this page includes:

Badge Template Name. The name assigned to the customized badge layout.

Sides. Whether or not a badge is one-sided or two-sided.


Features of this page include:

To Filter the badge template page by selecting from the dropdown menu. For example, to locate all badges which contain the letter S, select Name from the filter, type “S” into the text field and click Go.  The results will display below.

To Jump to any point in the alphabet, click a letter in the alphabet bar at the top of the page. For example, to locate the badge “Storage Unit Key,” click the letter S. Letters with no corresponding last names are grayed out.

Click New Badge Template to create a new customized template for your account.

Click Bulk Print Badges to create a bulk badge print job.

Click the Edit Front icon associated with a specific template to update the front of a two-sided badge.

Click the Edit Back icon associated with a specific template to update the back of a two-sided badge.

Click the Create Badge Back icon associated with a specific template to create a back side to an existing badge template.

Click the Delete icon associated with a specific template to remove it from the account.

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