Journal\Understanding the Journal

The Journal is a 90-day record of all actions performed by Administrators broken into 24 hour segments, including when each Administrator logged on, what actions he or she performed, and when he or she logged out.


The filtering system allows administrators to sort results using a variety of criteria.  For the Journal, filtering allows for sorting by the following:

Event Type – all event types that equal the selected Account Events criteria which include:

·          Administrator Events

·          Badge Events

·          Control Panel Events

·          Credential Events

·          Custom Field Events

·          Device Events

·          Holiday Events

·          Notification Events

·          Permission Template Events

·          Report Events

·          Schedule Events

·          Site/Group Events

·          User Events

·          Video Events

Performed On Events - all events performed on the selected criteria which include:

·          Performed on Administrator

·          Performed on Device

·          Performed on Group

·          Performed on Holiday

·          Performed on Schedule

·          Performed on Site

·          Performed on User

Performed By Events – all events performed by the selected Administrator






To view the Journal, click the Journal tab. The Journal displays the current 24-hour period. To switch to a different date, simply click on the date and a popup calendar will appear. Select the date desired within the past 90 days and the information will appear. To move forward or backward one day at a time, click on the  or  icons.

                                                                                                                                            Figure 169.      View the Journal

The Master Administrator and all Senior Administrators can view all actions. Assistant Administrators can view only their own actions.

For each action, the Journal shows the Date/Time, details of the Action, and the Administrator ID of the person who performed the action (By). The Journal shows 50 events per page. To move through the complete list, click the Previous 50 link and Next 50 link at the top of the page.

The journal shows links in the action column for users, devices, schedules, holidays, sites, groups, reports, and control panels.  Administrators may click on those links and be taken to a new journal page filtered for that particular link.


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