Control Panels\Viewing Control Panel DetailsViewing Control Panel Details\To view the details for a specific control panel:

1.       From the Setup tab then click on the Sites/Doors link. Click the Control Panels tab. The Control Panel List displays.

2.       Click the control panel you wish to view. The associated detail page displays.

                                                                                                                              Figure 146.      View Control Panel Details

This page provides links to other pages that enable you to manage the control panel that depending up on the model may include:

Control Panels

Edit Control Panel

New Control Panel

More Operations:

        Add Board

        Add Wireless Gateway/Router

        Add Elevator

        Configure Antipassback

        View Relationships


Beneath these links, the control panel details are displayed, including:

A Control Panel Name, assigned when the control panel was first created or last updated by an Administrator.

The Control Panel ID number, found with the control panel.

The MAC address of the control panel, provided by the panel to Brivo Onair.

The control panel Model, indicating the version (ACS5000, ACS6000, ACS300, IPDC). For ACS5000 models, this field will also indicate the type of control panel: Ethernet or GSM.

The version of control panel Firmware installed on the control panel.

A Note field that displays miscellaneous information related to the functioning of the control panel, such as where the panel is located.

For ACS6000 (dual port) and ACS300 (single port) panels only, the RS485 Settings section details:

        Port 1 and Port 2 lists:

        Operation Mode - Port 1 can be set to either Allegion RSI or OSDP Reader. Since Allegion NDE devices and OSDP use different protocols, the administrator needs to select the correct operation mode. For example, the administrator cannot set the Operation Mode to Allegion RSI and connect an OSDP reader. Port 2 will only accept OSDP readers. ACS300 panels do not have a Port 2.

        Baud Rate – This is the speed at which information is transferred over the line. The default is 9600.

        Error Detection Method – Allows the administrator to select either Checksum or Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) as the method used for error detection.

        Peripheral Device Address – Since RS485 is a bus and several devices can coexist on the same bus, there needs to be a method that different devices on the bus can be sent specific messages, and peripheral device addressing solves this problem.

On the bottom half of the page, all control boards and elevators associated with the control panel are listed. The information displayed for each board includes:

A Board name that is comprised of the board type and the board number, and which serves as a link to the Board detail page.

The assigned Board #. Each of the up to 15 circuit boards in a control panel has a unique Board #. Board #1 is always the Main Board. The other boards may be either Door Boards or I/O Boards.



WARNING: Board #

The Board # must match the address configured on each board in the system.


A brief description of the board’s physical Location.

A trashcan icon associated with each board listed, if your permissions allow you to delete control boards.

The information shown for each elevator associated with the control panel includes:

A brief, descriptive Elevator name, which serves as a link to the Elevator detail page.

The Wiegand Reader configured for the elevator.

A delete icon associated with each board listed, if your permissions allow you to delete elevators.

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