Video\What is Brivo Onair Video Recorder (OVR)?

What is Brivo Onair Video Recorder (OVR)?

Brivo Onair Video Recorder (OVR) enables Brivo Onair users to select from a variety of subscription models.  Dependent upon the subscription model chosen, a Brivo Onair user may view only live video or live video and activity-based playback at five or seven frames per second, depending upon camera model. In addition to a live view only subscription model, activity-based video can also be stored on Brivo’s Hosted Video server for 15, 30, 60, 90, 180, or 365 days, dependent upon the subscription model chosen. The only required equipment for this service is a compatible AVHS IP-based camera. The video is recorded over an encrypted connection at 7 frames per second at 640 x 480 resolution in H.264 encoding or at 5 frames per second with 320 x 240 resolution in MPEG 4 encoding. 




OVR functionality currently requires Java Plugin Version 6, as well as Flash Player Version 9 or higher.


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