Brivo Onair Integrations\2N IP Verso Integration\Listing Patterns

Listing Patterns

Standard listing patterns can be used to map Brivo User account fields to the directory rule. These listing patterns must follow a specific format for proper use. Formatting starts with a dollar sign “$” followed by an opening curly bracket “{“, the field name, and a closing curly bracket “}” as indicated in this example:




The following are standard Brivo Onair User field names and the equivalent listing pattern for use with phone directory listing rules:


First Name ${firstName}

Middle Name ${middleName}

Last Name ${lastName}


Brivo Onair custom fields can also be used by using a “c_” in front of the custom field name. For example, to use a custom field called “Company Name”, the listing pattern would look like:






To list directory contents by last name, e.g. Jones, Bob


The listing pattern rule will appear as: ${lastName}, ${firstName}


All characters outside of curly brackets except the dollar sign “$” are interpreted in the literal sense.

All custom field names must begin with the characters “c_”, e.g. ${c_CompanyName} to represent “Company Name”.

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